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                    當前位置:首頁(yè) »資訊中心 » 常見(jiàn)問(wèn)題石塑電梯門(mén)套指標怎么辨別?


                    來(lái)源:http://www.hitachllc.com/ 瀏覽:0發(fā)表時(shí)間:2023-05-25
                    The elevator door cover mainly includes stone plastic lines and side panels, which are actually similar to the construction of door covers or door covers, and require bottom leveling. The main types of elevator door covers include stainless steel elevator door covers, nano stone plastic elevator door covers, marble elevator door covers, etc. The elevator door cover manufacturers mainly introduced their characteristics and installation preparation work: 1. The characteristics of marble elevator door covers: 1. The marble elevator cover has strong weather resistance, and the coating has strong adaptability and resistance, whether in ordinary environments or harsh environments such as rain erosion, The service life is over 15 years.
                    真實(shí)性,在色彩上模仿花崗石,視覺(jué)上可以以假亂真,甚勝過(guò)效果。3、大理石電梯套,-水性化技術(shù)、-仿石材的效果想必石材耗能低。4、大理石電梯套創(chuàng )意性強,可以根據設計師的意圖任意改變花崗石的形狀,也可以根據建筑本身的設計,靈活的體現建筑物的線(xiàn)條與層次感,可適應多種不規則建筑基面。5、裝飾效果多樣,可采用平涂、砂壁中涂、真石漆中涂,實(shí)現不同質(zhì)感的裝飾效果。
                    Authenticity, which imitates granite in color, can be used as a fake or even better than the effect visually. 3. The marble elevator sleeve is environmentally friendly and energy-saving, and the effect of environmentally friendly water-based technology and energy-saving imitation of stone must be low in energy consumption of stone. 4. Marble elevator sleeve is creative. It can change the shape of granite according to the designer's intention. It can also flexibly reflect the lines and layers of the building according to the design of the building itself, and can adapt to a variety of irregular building bases. 5. The decorative effects are diverse, and can be achieved by using flat coating, sand wall intermediate coating, and real stone paint intermediate coating to achieve different texture decorative effects.
                    Whether to find cost-effective products for the procurement of imitation marble elevator sleeves is the key to the overall quality of the entire project, which has become a question that every customer must carefully consider. The market size of imitation marble elevator covers is increasing. We believe that every manufacturer of imitation marble elevator covers who sincerely produces products hopes to have a pure and clean industry environment to provide customers with reliable and safe imitation marble elevator cover materials. So, based on the quantity of orders placed by different customers, what are the differences in the packaging and transportation methods of imitation marble elevator door covers?
                    仿大理石電梯套生產(chǎn)好后,由我們發(fā)貨部的同事進(jìn)行統一的分批打包工作,在包裝上,一般有紙箱包裝和托盤(pán)包裝兩種。針對仿大理石電梯套量比較少的客戶(hù),我們會(huì )用紙箱把仿大理石電梯套包好,發(fā)物流,弊端就是運輸過(guò)程長(cháng),費用高。托盤(pán)包裝則是把仿大理石電梯套的線(xiàn)條和側板放到托盤(pán)上,用紙盒打包帶封好,包裝。適合仿大理石電梯套數量較多的客戶(hù)一般專(zhuān)車(chē)和配貨走貨。這樣的好處就是快捷,便宜。
                    After the production of imitation marble elevator sleeves, our colleagues in the shipping department will carry out unified batch packaging work. There are generally two types of packaging: cardboard box packaging and pallet packaging. For customers with relatively few imitation marble elevator covers, we will use cardboard boxes to package the imitation marble elevator covers and send them to the logistics. The disadvantage is that the transportation process is long and the cost is high. Pallet packaging involves placing the lines and side panels of the imitation marble elevator cover onto the pallet, sealing them with paper boxes, and packaging them. Suitable for customers with a large number of imitation marble elevator sets, such as special vehicles and distribution goods. The advantage of this is that it is fast and cheap.
                    本文由濱州不銹鋼電梯門(mén)套友情奉獻.更多有關(guān)的知識請點(diǎn)擊: http://www.hitachllc.com真誠的態(tài)度.為您提供為的服務(wù).更多有關(guān)的知識我們將會(huì )陸續向大家奉獻.敬請期待。
                    This article is dedicated to the friendship of Binzhou stainless steel elevator door covers. For more relevant knowledge, please click on: http://www.hitachllc.com Sincere attitude. We will provide you with comprehensive services. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Stay tuned.