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                    當前位置:首頁(yè) »資訊中心 » 常見(jiàn)問(wèn)題電梯門(mén)套與電梯門(mén)套花色的關(guān)系


                    來(lái)源:http://www.hitachllc.com/ 瀏覽:0發(fā)表時(shí)間:2022-10-24
                    The relationship between elevator door pocket price and elevator door pocket color.
                    電梯門(mén)套與花色其實(shí)是沒(méi)有很大關(guān)系的,但如果牽扯到定制的話(huà)就會(huì )有很大關(guān)系,下面我們再來(lái)詳細分析一下。
                    In fact, the price of elevator door jambs has nothing to do with the design and color, but if customization is involved, it will have a lot to do with it. Now let's make a detailed analysis.
                    不銹鋼電梯門(mén)套會(huì )有很多常用的款式,特別是一些銷(xiāo)量比較好的經(jīng)典花色會(huì )有大量的備貨,在這種情況下這些經(jīng)典款式是足夠滿(mǎn)足人們的需要的。但有些人在設計建筑物的時(shí)候就采用了特殊的設計風(fēng)格,所以在選擇電梯門(mén)套的時(shí)候也會(huì )有些特別的要求,這種特殊要求的花色和尺寸大都需要定制,而定制就牽扯到數量和款式。
                    Stainless steel elevator door covers will have many commonly used styles, especially some classic patterns with good sales will have a large number of stock, in this case, these classic styles are enough to meet people's needs. However, some people use a special design style when designing buildings, so they also have some special requirements when choosing elevator door jambs. Most of the patterns and sizes of this special requirement need to be customized, and customization involves quantity and style.
                    定制的是從兩方面來(lái)算的,一方面是購買(mǎi)的數量非常多,比如整個(gè)小區的電梯門(mén)套安裝,那么這樣的話(huà)定制成本就可以降到很低很低。另一方面是數量少的定制,這種定制可能是一棟辦公樓,數量少且需要單獨定制花色,那么這種情況下所需要付出的成本就會(huì )偏高,定制的也會(huì )偏高。
                    The price of customization is calculated from two aspects. On the one hand, the number of purchases is very large, such as the installation of elevator door jambs in the entire community. In this way, the cost of customization can be reduced to very low. On the other hand, there is a small amount of customization. This customization may be an office building with a small number and needs to be customized separately. In this case, the cost of customization will be higher and the price of customization will also be higher.
                    特別是客戶(hù)定做樣品的時(shí)候成本會(huì )更高。一般情況下購買(mǎi)廠(chǎng)家現有的花色所郵寄的樣品都是的,但這種定制花色所需要付出的成本就會(huì )比較高昂,一方面是不確定會(huì )購買(mǎi),這樣所付出的成本和進(jìn)購的材料費就會(huì )比較高,另一方面是相當于預付款,雖然定做的樣品高,但如果采購的話(huà)這個(gè)錢(qián)就相當于預付款,是非常劃算的,所以總體來(lái)說(shuō)還是量大優(yōu)惠。
                    Especially when the customer makes the sample, the cost will be higher. Generally, the samples sent by the manufacturer's existing designs and colors are free of charge, but the cost of such customized designs and colors will be relatively high. On the one hand, it is uncertain that they will be purchased, so the cost paid and the cost of purchased materials will be relatively high. On the other hand, it is equivalent to an advance payment. Although the price of customized samples is high, the cost of purchasing is equivalent to an advance payment, which is very cost-effective, So generally speaking, there are large discounts.