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                    當前位置:首頁(yè) »資訊中心 » 常見(jiàn)問(wèn)題安裝門(mén)套有縫隙?教你一招


                    來(lái)源:http://www.hitachllc.com/ 瀏覽:0發(fā)表時(shí)間:2022-12-19
                    我們在室內裝修安裝門(mén)套時(shí),經(jīng)常會(huì )發(fā)現門(mén)套與墻面之間,會(huì )有縫隙,那么這種縫隙該怎么處理呢?
                    When we install door jambs in the interior decoration, we often find gaps between the door jambs and the wall. How to deal with such gaps?
                    What should I do if there is a gap between the interior decoration door and the wall after it is installed?
                    First, it should be ruled out whether the walls on both sides of your door opening are uneven. It is normal that the gap between the door jamb and the wall is 2 cm or less on average. This can adjust the installation error of the door. If the average gap is more than 2.5 cm, it is abnormal to measure the size with error!
                    處理方法;縫隙大小看墻體垂直程度,這個(gè)縫隙可以打玻璃膠,也可以油漆批膩子來(lái)補就可以了,否則門(mén)的安裝就不堅固。會(huì )出現晃動(dòng),時(shí)間長(cháng)了就會(huì )導致開(kāi)裂等隱患!
                    Treatment method; The size of the gap depends on the verticality of the wall. The gap can be filled with glass glue or paint and putty, otherwise the door will not be firmly installed. There will be shaking, and a long time will lead to cracks and other potential safety hazards!

                    如果縫隙很大,那就是墻體不平整!可以選擇在縫隙處填磚或者水泥漿,這樣才能保證墻體與門(mén)框縫隙結實(shí)不透。這一般是安裝完后的補救辦法,就是在測量時(shí)把握好尺寸,盡量保持縫隙在1-2公分以?xún)?墻面不平是很常見(jiàn),所以我們在裝修時(shí),一定要提前考慮掉,否則會(huì )給后面的施工帶來(lái)影響
                    If the gap is large, the wall is uneven! The joints can be filled with bricks or cement mortar to ensure that the joints between the wall and the door frame are firm and impermeable. This is generally a remedy after installation, that is, when measuring, grasp the size and try to keep the gap within 1-2 cm! Uneven walls are very common, so we must consider to solve them in advance when decorating, otherwise it will affect the later construction
                    門(mén)框和門(mén)的尺寸不匹配,或門(mén)框與墻之間安裝處理不當,很可能會(huì )出現縫隙??p隙比較小的業(yè)主可以自己在門(mén)下面貼橡膠條來(lái)處理,如果門(mén)底部縫隙太大建議找裝修師傅更換。
                    The size of the door frame and the door does not match, or the installation between the door frame and the wall is improper, which may lead to gaps. Owners with small gaps can stick rubber strips under the door to deal with the problem. If the gap at the bottom of the door is too large, it is recommended to find a decorator to replace it.
                    總結;安裝門(mén)后一般都是會(huì )有縫隙,只要不超過(guò)正常的標準,打玻璃膠油漆批膩子都可以修補好!
                    Summary; After the door is installed, there is usually a gap. As long as it does not exceed the normal standard, it can be repaired with glass glue, paint and putty!
                    The above is a detailed introduction to Jinan aluminum alloy door pocket, and I hope it will be helpful to you. If you have any questions, please contact us. We will provide services for you with our attitude http://www.hitachllc.com