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                    當前位置:首頁(yè) »資訊中心 » 行業(yè)動(dòng)態(tài)不銹鋼門(mén)套安裝工藝方法有哪些?


                    來(lái)源:http://www.hitachllc.com/ 瀏覽:0發(fā)表時(shí)間:2022-04-20
                    不銹鋼門(mén)套是如今非常常見(jiàn)的一種門(mén)框保護和裝飾方式,早期門(mén)套大部分都會(huì )采用大理石、瓷磚、實(shí)木等等制作而成,實(shí)木容易發(fā)潮受蟲(chóng)蟻損害,瓷磚縫隙太多美觀(guān)不足,大理石的又非常貴。這個(gè)時(shí)候不銹鋼門(mén)套就出現了,這種便宜、安裝簡(jiǎn)單、結實(shí)耐用又非常漂亮的產(chǎn)品?;旧喜讳P鋼門(mén)套的安裝只要了解過(guò)程,都是自己動(dòng)手完成,下面我們一起來(lái)了解一下不銹鋼門(mén)套安裝工藝方法介紹。
                    Stainless steel door pocket is a very common way of door frame protection and decoration. Most of the early door pocket will be made of marble, ceramic tile, solid wood and so on. The solid wood is easy to be damp and damaged by insects and ants. There are too many gaps in the ceramic tile, which is not beautiful enough, and the marble is very expensive. At this time, stainless steel door covers appeared, which are cheap, simple to install, durable and very beautiful. Basically, the installation of stainless steel door pocket is completed by yourself as long as you understand the process. Let's learn about the installation process of stainless steel door pocket.
                    Introduction to installation process of stainless steel door pocket
                    1、要了解不銹鋼門(mén)套安裝工藝要知道不銹鋼門(mén)套的造型,大家都知道門(mén)都是呈一種倒U型,也就是兩條垂直立邊和一條橫邊。除了一些特殊的會(huì )直接制作這種形狀的不銹鋼門(mén)套之外,絕大多數的不銹鋼門(mén)套都是按照三個(gè)邊的尺寸進(jìn)行制造,而且對角拼接為了保證美觀(guān)會(huì )采用45°,這樣拼接的時(shí)候更加簡(jiǎn)單漂亮。
                    1. To understand the installation process of stainless steel door pocket, we must first know the shape of stainless steel door pocket. We all know that doors are in an inverted U shape, that is, two vertical edges and one horizontal edge. In addition to some special stainless steel door jambs that will be directly made in this shape, the vast majority of stainless steel door jambs are made according to the size of three sides, and 45 ° will be used for diagonal splicing to ensure beauty, which is more simple and beautiful.
                    2、在進(jìn)行安裝之前要注意進(jìn)行詳細的測量,這種測量要準確到毫米,因為毫米的誤差很有可能會(huì )變大,從而影響安裝的效果。
                    2. Before installation, pay attention to detailed measurement, which should be accurate to mm, because the error of MM is likely to become larger, which will affect the effect of installation.
                    3、不銹鋼門(mén)套安裝之前可以先做一下門(mén)套的內襯,當然如果墻體本身的平面水平而且尺寸比較準的話(huà),內襯也可以不做,主要就是保證安裝的時(shí)候不會(huì )出現因為尺寸問(wèn)題導致拼接縫隙大等問(wèn)題。
                    3. Before installing the stainless steel door pocket, you can first make the inner lining of the door pocket. Of course, if the plane of the wall itself is horizontal and the size is accurate, the inner lining can also be omitted, mainly to ensure that there will be no problems such as large splicing gap caused by size problems during installation.
                    4. After determining the size problem, what we need to do is to fix the stainless steel door pocket. Now most of them use nail free glue to stick the wall and stainless steel door pocket together. Now most of them use glue. The method is to brush glue on the side of the panel and bottom plate, and when the hand is dry, stick the panel to the bottom plate, and then squeeze out the bubbles.
                    Introduction to installation process of stainless steel door pocket
                    不銹鋼門(mén)套的安裝工藝可以說(shuō)非常簡(jiǎn)單,就是在安裝之前一定要確定好安裝地點(diǎn)的情況,整體的尺寸測量要精到毫米,避免產(chǎn)生誤差影響安裝效果。如果能夠保證墻體的尺寸比較平整,我們可以不用木基去找平,直接用免釘膠記性粘粘就行,這種產(chǎn)品站粘性非常強,日常使用環(huán)境不會(huì )產(chǎn)生影響,導致掉落的情況。
                    The installation process of stainless steel door pocket can be said to be very simple, that is, the installation location must be determined before installation, and the overall dimension measurement should be accurate to mm to avoid errors affecting the installation effect. If we can ensure that the size of the wall is relatively flat, we can level it without wood base, and directly use nail free glue for memory adhesion. This product station has very strong adhesion and will not affect the daily use environment, resulting in falling.
                    The above is a detailed introduction to the brushed stainless steel door pocket. I hope it will be helpful to you If you have any questions, please contact us We will provide you with professional service http://www.hitachllc.com