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                    當前位置:首頁(yè) »資訊中心 » 行業(yè)動(dòng)態(tài)石塑電梯門(mén)套使用比較廣泛的點(diǎn)


                    來(lái)源:http://www.hitachllc.com/ 瀏覽:0發(fā)表時(shí)間:2022-03-09
                    電梯套材質(zhì)上也有很多種不同選擇,新型材質(zhì)石塑電梯門(mén)套成為當下比較受歡迎的一種材質(zhì)。對于客戶(hù)來(lái)說(shuō),挑選石塑電梯門(mén)套的材質(zhì),很多的細節都是自己去發(fā)掘,好在石塑電梯門(mén)套使用性很好,能夠有大氣的裝飾效果,在質(zhì)量上也能夠達到建筑對石塑電梯門(mén)套的要求,應用范圍也不會(huì )有很大的限制。
                    There are also many different choices in the material of elevator cover. The new environmental protection material stone plastic elevator door cover has become a more popular material at present. For customers, many details of choosing the material of stone plastic elevator door pocket are explored by themselves. Fortunately, the stone plastic elevator door pocket has good usability, can have atmospheric decoration effect, and can meet the requirements of the building for stone plastic elevator door pocket in terms of quality. There will be no great restrictions on the scope of application.
                    In addition to being used in high-rise buildings, stone plastic elevator door sleeves are also widely used in elevator sleeve lines in architectural decoration such as hotels, shopping malls, schools and hospitals. Today, the application of stone plastic materials has covered door and window sleeve lines, skirting lines, waist lines, closing lines, decorative lines, etc. According to the authoritative test of the national environmental protection product supervision and inspection center, the performance indexes of stone plastic elevator door pocket products meet the requirements of building materials.
                    石塑電梯門(mén)套是以納米石粉和pvc樹(shù)脂粉為主要原材料,通過(guò)設備高溫擠壓做成白坯,成形的基材會(huì )通過(guò)專(zhuān)用設備,采用熱轉印工藝將膜紙燙印到基材上。石塑電梯門(mén)套有紋理自然、堅硬耐用、防火防潮、易清潔等優(yōu)點(diǎn),使石塑電梯門(mén)套主廣泛應用各種不同類(lèi)型的建筑裝修,雖不是真石材,但同樣擁有天然石材華麗、高雅、大氣的裝飾效果。
                    Stone plastic elevator door pocket is made of nano stone powder and PVC resin powder as the main raw materials, which are extruded into white blanks through advanced equipment at high temperature. The formed substrate will be hot stamped on the substrate through special equipment and heat transfer process. The stone plastic elevator door pocket has the advantages of natural texture, hard and durable, fire and moisture prevention, easy cleaning and so on, which makes the stone plastic elevator door pocket owners widely use various types of architectural decoration. Although it is not real stone, it also has the decorative effect of gorgeous, elegant and atmospheric natural stone.
                    In today's building materials, it is more necessary to consider the quality clearly. At present, many elevator door pocket decoration projects in the market have adopted this new type of stone plastic elevator door pocket, which has outstanding decorative effect and cost performance. If you want to improve the decorative effect and save the cost, you can choose the stone plastic elevator door pocket.