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                    當前位置:首頁(yè) »資訊中心 » 常見(jiàn)問(wèn)題電梯門(mén)套線(xiàn)如何確保安裝的質(zhì)量?


                    來(lái)源:http://www.hitachllc.com/ 瀏覽:0發(fā)表時(shí)間:2023-12-15

                    電梯門(mén)套線(xiàn)大家可能聽(tīng)著(zhù)有些陌生,但是提起門(mén)框大家都是非常的熟習,電梯門(mén)套線(xiàn)就是指的電梯門(mén)框,它可以維護電梯墻角,也起著(zhù)一定的裝飾效果,往常電梯門(mén)套線(xiàn)在建筑行業(yè)中深受大家的喜歡,普通在安裝之后會(huì )有一個(gè)驗收工作,檢查我們的安裝質(zhì)量,也更進(jìn)一步的保證我們的安裝質(zhì)量。

                    Elevator door frame lines may sound unfamiliar to everyone, but when it comes to door frames, everyone is very familiar with them. Elevator door frame lines refer to elevator door frames, which can maintain the corners of elevator walls and also play a certain decorative effect. In the construction industry, elevator door frame lines are often loved by people. After installation, there is usually an acceptance work to check our installation quality and further ensure our installation quality.


                    (1) The variety, specifications, and quality of the plates used in the elevator door frame line should meet the requirements of Party A. Implement relevant standards, ensure that the material surface has no color difference, cracks, or scratches

                    電梯門(mén)套線(xiàn)大家可能聽(tīng)著(zhù)有些陌生,但是提起門(mén)框大家都是非常的熟習,電梯門(mén)套線(xiàn)就是指的電梯門(mén)框,它可以維護電梯墻角,也起著(zhù)一定的裝飾效果,往常電梯門(mén)套線(xiàn)在建筑行業(yè)中深受大家的喜歡,普通在安裝之后會(huì )有一個(gè)驗收工作,檢查我們的安裝質(zhì)量,也更進(jìn)一步的保證我們的安裝質(zhì)量。

                    Elevator door frame lines may sound unfamiliar to everyone, but when it comes to door frames, everyone is very familiar with them. Elevator door frame lines refer to elevator door frames, which can maintain the corners of elevator walls and also play a certain decorative effect. In the construction industry, elevator door frame lines are often loved by people. After installation, there is usually an acceptance work to check our installation quality and further ensure our installation quality.



                    (1) The variety, specifications, and quality of the plates used in the elevator door frame line should meet the requirements of Party A. Implement relevant standards, ensure that the material surface has no color difference, cracks, or scratches, and the material is not allowed to show staining.


                    (2) The surface of the surface layer should be clean, flat, without scratches, and have clear patterns, different colors, even seams, smooth edges, correct inlay, and no cracks, corners, missing edges or other issues with the plate.


                    (3) The surface of the baseboard is clean, with different heights, strong separation, and different thickness when exiting the wall.


                    (4) Material thickness request: All materials must be processed according to the thickness requested by Party A, and no deviation is allowed.

                    (5)面層表面坡度應契合設計懇求,不倒泛水、無(wú)積水,與井道別離處應嚴密堅固。不銹鋼拋光劑是一種極好的不銹鋼拋光,帶來(lái)高水平的清潔度和外觀(guān)。它的配方在不銹鋼中呈現出深沉而豐富的光澤。油完全干燥,所以沒(méi)有油膩的殘留物。此外不銹鋼拋光配方具有殘余清潔特性,可減少清潔過(guò)程中的指紋和污跡。當清潔電梯門(mén)套、冰箱和旋轉門(mén)等大容量不銹鋼時(shí),指紋減少特性尤為重要。提示4:去除電梯門(mén)套上的銹跡或水痕石塑電梯門(mén)套也面對著(zhù)眾多裝修者的疑問(wèn),豐富多彩的花色和優(yōu)美得線(xiàn)形,使得客戶(hù)一見(jiàn)傾心,但又會(huì )疑惑這種人工合成的產(chǎn)品安裝會(huì )不會(huì )同樣很麻煩。

                    (5) The surface slope of the surface layer should meet the design requirements, and there should be no backflow or accumulation of water. The separation from the shaft should be tight and sturdy. Stainless steel polishing agent is an excellent stainless steel polishing agent that brings a high level of cleanliness and appearance. Its formula presents a deep and rich luster in stainless steel. The oil is completely dry, so there are no greasy residues. In addition, the stainless steel polishing formula has residual cleaning characteristics, which can reduce fingerprints and stains during the cleaning process. The fingerprint reduction feature is particularly important when cleaning high-capacity stainless steel such as elevator door frames, refrigerators, and revolving doors. Tip 4: Removing rust or water marks on elevator door frames. Stone plastic elevator door frames also face many questions from decorators. The rich and colorful patterns and beautiful lines make customers fall in love at first sight, but they may also wonder if the installation of this artificially synthesized product will be equally troublesome.

                    感謝您的閱讀,此文的文章來(lái)源:濰坊電梯門(mén)套更多的內容和問(wèn)題請點(diǎn)擊:http://www.hitachllc.com我們會(huì )繼續努力的為您提供服務(wù),感謝您的支持!

                    Thank you for reading. The source of this article is Weifang Elevator Door Jamb. For more information and questions, please click: http://www.hitachllc.com We will continue to work hard to provide you with services. Thank you for your support!
