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                    來(lái)源:http://www.hitachllc.com/ 瀏覽:0發(fā)表時(shí)間:2023-02-07
                    1. 石材挑選:用比色法對石材的顏色進(jìn)行挑選分類(lèi),安裝在同一面的石材顏色應一致,按設計圖紙及分塊順序將石材編號。
                    1. Stone selection: The color of stone shall be selected and classified by colorimetry. The color of stone installed on the same side shall be consistent, and the stone shall be numbered according to the design drawing and block sequence.
                    2. 墻面基層清理:清理墻面,裝好基層托架。同時(shí)進(jìn)行結構套方,找規矩,彈出垂直線(xiàn)和水平線(xiàn)。并根據設計圖紙和實(shí)際需要彈出安裝石材的位置線(xiàn)和分塊線(xiàn)。
                    2. Wall base cleaning: clean the wall and install the base bracket. At the same time, carry out structural square, find rules, and pop up vertical and horizontal lines. According to the design drawings and actual needs, the location line and block line for the installation of stones shall be snapped.
                    3. 打線(xiàn):根據尺寸,打好施工線(xiàn),石材安裝前要事先用經(jīng)緯儀打擊大角兩個(gè)面的豎向控制線(xiàn),彈在離大角500px 的位置上,以便隨時(shí)檢查垂直掛線(xiàn)的準確線(xiàn),保證順利安裝,并在控制線(xiàn)的上下作出標記。
                    3. Marking: according to the size, mark the construction line. Before installing the stone, hit the vertical control line on the two sides of the large angle with a theodolite, and snap it at the position 500px away from the large angle, so as to check the accurate line of the vertical hanging line at any time, ensure the smooth installation, and mark the upper and lower sides of the control line.
                    4. 安裝底層托架,把預先安排好的支托按上平線(xiàn)支在將要安裝的底層石板上面。支托要支承牢固,相互之間要連接好,也可和架子接在一起,支架安好后,順支托方向釘鋪通長(cháng)的50mm 厚木板,木板上口要在同一個(gè)水平面上,以保證石材上下面處在同一水平面上。
                    4. Install the bottom bracket and support the pre-arranged support on the bottom slab to be installed according to the upper horizontal line. The support shall be firmly supported and connected with each other, and can also be connected with the frame. After the support is installed, a 50mm thick board with full length shall be nailed and paved along the support direction. The upper edge of the board shall be on the same horizontal plane to ensure that the upper and lower parts of the stone are on the same horizontal plane.
                    5. 安裝連接構件:用設計規定的不銹鋼螺栓固定角鋼和平鋼板。調整平鋼板的位置,使平鋼板的小孔正好與石板的插入孔對上,固定平鋼板,用扳子擰緊。
                    5. Install connecting members: fix angle steel and flat steel plate with stainless steel bolts specified in the design. Adjust the position of the flat steel plate so that the small hole of the flat steel plate is aligned with the insertion hole of the stone plate. Fix the flat steel plate and tighten it with a wrench.
                    6. 大理石裝飾板材安裝:按照溝槽和構件找好位置,便可把底層面板靠角上的一塊就位。
                    6. Installation of marble decorative plate: find the position according to the groove and components, and then put one of the bottom panel corners in place.
                    7. 板面微調:安裝好裝飾板材再調整水平度,如板面上口不平, 可在板底的一端下口的連接平鋼板上墊一相應的雙股銅絲墊。調整垂直度,并調整面板上口的不銹鋼連接件的距墻空隙,直面板垂直。
                    7. Fine adjustment of the plate surface: install the decorative plate and adjust the levelness. If the upper opening of the plate surface is uneven, a corresponding double-stranded copper wire pad can be placed on the connecting flat steel plate at the lower opening of one end of the plate bottom. Adjust the verticality, and adjust the gap between the stainless steel connector at the upper opening of the panel and the wall until the panel is vertical.
                    8. 頂部裝飾板材的安裝:頂部一層面板除了按一般石板安裝要求外,安裝調整好,在結構與石板的縫隙里吊一通長(cháng)的20mm 厚木條,木條上平為石板上口下去250mm,吊點(diǎn)可設在連接鐵件上??捎貌输X絲吊木條,木條吊好后,即在石板與墻面之間的空隙里放填充物,且填塞嚴實(shí),防止灌漿時(shí)漏漿。
                    8. Installation of the top decorative plate: In addition to the general installation requirements of the stone slab, the last layer of the top panel should be installed and adjusted. A 20mm thick wooden strip should be hung in the gap between the structure and the stone slab. The top of the wooden strip should be 250mm below the top of the stone slab. The lifting point can be set on the connecting iron piece. The batten can be hung with colored aluminum wire. After the batten is hoisted, fill the gap between the stone slab and the wall, and fill it tightly to prevent grout leakage during grouting.
                    9. 清理表面:把表面的防污條掀掉,用棉絲把石板擦凈。
                    9. Clean the surface: remove the anti-fouling strip on the surface and wipe the slate with cotton wool.
                    本文由工地電梯門(mén)套手友情奉獻.更多有關(guān)的知識請點(diǎn)擊:http://www.hitachllc.com真誠的態(tài)度.為您提供為的服務(wù).更多有關(guān)的知識我們將會(huì )陸續向大家奉獻.敬請期待.
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