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                    當前位置:首頁(yè) »資訊中心 » 常見(jiàn)問(wèn)題鋁合金門(mén)套半包和全包的區別是什么?


                    來(lái)源:http://www.hitachllc.com/ 瀏覽:0發(fā)表時(shí)間:2022-08-03
                    Door pocket is a kind of decorative material of door frame, which can protect the door frame and decorate it. There are two ways of door pocket: half package and full package. Then, what is the difference between half package and full package of aluminum alloy door pocket? When choosing half bag and full bag doorcases, some people are more tangled. Here, I will analyze it for you.
                    門(mén)套半包,實(shí)際上就是指我們在安裝門(mén)的時(shí)候,門(mén)洞的瓷磚只貼一半,這就叫做半包,剩下的一半可以很好的與門(mén)框進(jìn)行結合,從外觀(guān)上來(lái)講是看不出來(lái)有什么區別的,但是這就非??简炇┕ぶ械臏蚀_性了,我們要量好門(mén)的尺寸,而且貼瓷磚的時(shí)候一定要預留出位置,否則就會(huì )導致安門(mén)的時(shí)候出現問(wèn)題。門(mén)套全包的裝修方式是指門(mén)框將墻內外兩個(gè)地方全部給包裹起來(lái),這一個(gè)裝修的好處就是不需要特別注重門(mén)的尺寸,而且即使是將瓷磚貼完之后,再量尺寸都是可以的。
                    The door pocket half bag actually means that when we install the door, only half of the tiles in the door opening are pasted, which is called half bag. The remaining half can be well combined with the door frame. From the appearance, there is no difference, but this is a great test of the accuracy in construction. We must first measure the size of the door, and we must reserve a position when pasting tiles, Otherwise, it will cause problems at the gate. The all inclusive decoration method of door pocket refers to that the door frame wraps both inside and outside the wall. The advantage of this decoration is that it does not need to pay special attention to the size of the door, and it is OK to measure the size even after the tiles are pasted.
                    Difference between half package and full package of aluminum alloy door pocket:
                    1、從外觀(guān)上進(jìn)行觀(guān)看的話(huà),門(mén)框全包的裝修設計看起來(lái)會(huì )更加厚實(shí)一點(diǎn),因為門(mén)框將門(mén)洞的周邊全部包裹起來(lái)了,而且這樣一來(lái)跟墻體的結合也更加緊密,而半包的裝修設計看起來(lái)相對來(lái)說(shuō)就非常簡(jiǎn)單了,門(mén)框以及門(mén)洞在同一平面上只有一個(gè)面被包裹住,剩下的地方我們都可以刷上油漆進(jìn)行收口,但是如果后期施工比較粗糙的話(huà),那么門(mén)上很有可能沾上油漆。
                    1. Viewed from the appearance, the all inclusive decoration design of the door frame will look a little thicker, because the door frame wraps up the periphery of the door opening, and in this way, it is more closely combined with the wall, while the decoration design of the half package looks relatively simple. Only one side of the door frame and the door opening is wrapped on the same plane, and the rest can be painted for closing, However, if the later construction is rough, the door is likely to be stained with paint.
                    2、從裝修的方面來(lái)說(shuō),半包的設計肯定是要比門(mén)套全包的,裝修設計要節省下來(lái)不少錢(qián),但是同樣的相對來(lái)說(shuō),采用半包的裝修設計就非??简炠N瓷磚時(shí)的技術(shù)以及工藝了,這樣一來(lái)自然會(huì )花比較多的人工費。
                    2. In terms of the price of decoration, the half package design is definitely more inclusive than the door pocket, and the decoration design will save a lot of money, but similarly, relatively speaking, the half package decoration design will test the technology and process of tiling, which will naturally cost more labor.
                    The above is the detailed introduction of aluminum alloy door pocket for you. I hope it can help you. If you have any questions, please contact us. We will provide services for you with a professional attitude http://www.hitachllc.com