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                    來(lái)源:http://www.hitachllc.com/ 瀏覽:0發(fā)表時(shí)間:2022-03-12
                    色差控制措施。產(chǎn)生色差的因素。,因為施工材料準備過(guò)程中沒(méi)有一次準備充足,從而因為材料的批次不同而產(chǎn)生色差;第二,施工人員沒(méi)有統一的技術(shù)水平,從而在噴涂過(guò)程中,其厚度就會(huì )不一致,部分出現偏薄的情況,從而導致色差出現;第三,在噴涂過(guò)程中出現過(guò)量掉砂,從而出現不均勻顆粒,也是導致色差產(chǎn)生的重要因素;第四,如果墻面因為淋雨之后,沒(méi)有等到徹底干燥就開(kāi)始噴涂作業(yè),就非常容易導致色差出現;第五,主要因為在調色過(guò)程中沒(méi)有均勻導致的色差;第六,在儲存涂料過(guò)程中,很容易出現分層的情況或者是在表層出現浮色,但在開(kāi)始噴涂之前,沒(méi)有攪拌均勻就噴涂導致的色差。
                    Color difference control measures. Factors causing color difference. First, because there is not enough preparation in the preparation process of construction materials, the color difference is caused by different batches of materials; Second, the construction personnel do not have a unified technical level, so in the spraying process, the thickness will be inconsistent, and some parts will be thinner, resulting in color difference; Third, excessive sand dropping in the spraying process, resulting in uneven particles, is also an important factor leading to color difference; Fourth, if the wall starts spraying after being exposed to the rain and does not wait until it is completely dry, it is very easy to cause color difference; Fifth, mainly because there is no uniform color difference in the process of color matching; Sixth, in the process of coating storage, it is easy to have delamination or floating color on the surface, but the color difference caused by spraying without stirring evenly before spraying.
                    控制色差出現的措施。,針對相同顏色、墻面,應該保證真石漆的廠(chǎng)家、批號相同,并且要一次性采購重組。如果相同顏色但批號不同,就應該混勻后再進(jìn)行作業(yè)。采用從上下的噴涂方式,并且以墻面分隔縫、陰陽(yáng)角、水落管等作為分界線(xiàn),進(jìn)行分段式的噴涂作業(yè)。第二,應該積極通過(guò)培訓等方式,提升施工人員的操作水平,從而保證施工中的噴涂更為均勻,形成一致的膜厚。第三,在噴涂過(guò)程中一般會(huì )因為兩方面原因導致掉砂過(guò)多,主要是因為在施工中噴槍的氣壓過(guò)大而導致,或者是噴槍移動(dòng)太快。
                    Measures to control color difference. First, for the same color and wall, we should ensure that the manufacturer and batch number of real stone paint are the same, and we should purchase and reorganize at one time. If the color is the same but the batch number is different, it should be mixed before operation. The spraying method from top to bottom is adopted, and the partition joints of the wall, internal and external corners, downspouts, etc. are used as the dividing line for segmented spraying operation. Second, we should actively improve the professional level of construction personnel through training, so as to ensure more uniform spraying in construction and form a consistent film thickness. Third, in the spraying process, too much sand will be dropped due to two reasons, mainly because the air pressure of the spray gun is too high during construction, or the spray gun moves too fast.
                    In addition, there is too much water in the coating, so the coating is too thin, resulting in insufficient initial viscosity on the sand wall. Therefore, the air pressure should be adjusted to a reasonable value, the moving speed of the spray gun should be well controlled in the spraying process, and the paint should not be diluted with water as much as possible. Fourth, in case of rainy weather during construction, it is necessary to completely wait until the wall is dry before construction. Fifth, color matching should be uniform enough. Sixth, uniform stirring is required before spraying.
                    裂縫的控制措施。,針對陰陽(yáng)角裂縫的問(wèn)題來(lái)說(shuō),因為陰陽(yáng)角是兩個(gè)面的交接,在真石漆干燥過(guò)程中會(huì )形成不同方向張力對陰陽(yáng)角處的涂膜產(chǎn)生作用力,進(jìn)而產(chǎn)生裂縫。如此需要用噴槍再覆蓋住裂縫,新噴涂的陰陽(yáng)角應該注意不能一次噴涂太厚,應該采用薄噴多層的方法,也就是等表面干燥后再?lài)娨淮?,距離要足夠遠,移動(dòng)的速度要快,不能垂直噴,只能采用散射的方式,讓霧化的邊緣掃入陰陽(yáng)角;
                    Crack control measures. Firstly, for the problem of cracks in internal and external corners, because the internal and external corners are the intersection of two surfaces, tension in different directions will be formed during the drying process of real stone paint, which will exert force on the film at the internal and external corners, and then produce cracks. In this way, it is necessary to cover the cracks with a spray gun. The internal and external corners newly sprayed should not be too thick at one time. The method of thin spraying and multi-layer spraying should be adopted, that is, spray again after the surface is dry. The distance should be far enough and the moving speed should be fast. Vertical spraying is not allowed. Only scattering can be used to sweep the atomized edge into the internal and external corners;
                    Secondly, if cracks appear in the plane, generally speaking, they are caused by the large temperature difference, resulting in the difference in the drying speed of the inner and outer layers, resulting in cracks. In this case, the small nozzle spray gun should be used, and the thin spray multi-layer method should be adopted to control the drying speed of each layer and ensure a long spraying distance; Finally, if there are cracks in the process of film formation, it is mainly caused by uneven spraying coverage, and cracks appear on the coating surface after film formation, or cracks may not appear until several weeks later. In this way, specific analysis should be carried out according to the specific situation. In the construction process, reasonable basin soil method should be adopted, and the formula should be changed and trial produced.