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                    來(lái)源:http://www.hitachllc.com/ 瀏覽:0發(fā)表時(shí)間:2023-06-25
                    1. The beautiful and natural texture, as well as the mirror like color of the stone texture, will undoubtedly enhance the overall temperament of the space. Using natural stone as the door cover and curtains, the entire space seems to be connected by stones, giving people a visual beauty. 2. Waterproof and sunscreen are well-known, and windows are close to the outside world. They are often exposed to direct sunlight and are inevitably eroded by rainwater. If you use wooden curtains at home, it is easy to mold and mold for many years. Stone has good waterproof and sun protection functions, and after a few years, it can still emit its charming luster.
                    3.耐用性我們知道,當木材長(cháng)時(shí)間使用時(shí),會(huì )有油漆掉落和不均勻的凹坑,這極大地影響了美觀(guān)。但該石材結構緊湊,耐磨性好,可長(cháng)期使用,實(shí)用性強。4.性?xún)r(jià)比高我們使用木材制作窗簾和門(mén)罩的一個(gè)重要原因是木材比石頭便宜,但木材的耐久性遠遠不如石頭。幾年后,修理木蓋需要時(shí)間和精力。計算出的可能不低于石材的,因此石材是一種性?xún)r(jià)比非常高的材料。
                    3. Durability We know that when wood is used for a long time, there will be paint falling and uneven pits, which greatly affects its aesthetics. But the stone structure is compact, has good wear resistance, can be used for a long time, and has strong practicality. 4. High cost-effectiveness. One important reason why we use wood to make curtains and door covers is that wood is cheaper than stone, but its durability is far inferior to stone. A few years later, repairing the wooden cover requires time and effort. The calculated price may not be lower than the price of stone, so stone is a highly cost-effective material.
                    總而言之,大理石線(xiàn)條的優(yōu)點(diǎn)是:耐用,不易變形,防水,耐腐蝕,防蛀,防霉,和阻燃。面子價(jià)值和實(shí)用性并存,誰(shuí)不會(huì )心跳?二、大理石電梯門(mén)套的安裝要求1.墻體用石材的種類(lèi),尺寸,性能和等級應符合我國標準。2.大理石墻面顏色,標高,隔間,圖案,圖案和圖案應符合要求。3.石孔,溝槽,深度,位置和尺寸應符合設計要求,不允許有裂縫,邊緣間隙和倒塌角。
                    In summary, the advantages of marble lines are: durability, non deformability, waterproofing, corrosion resistance, mothproof, mold proof, antibacterial, and flame retardant. Face value and practicality coexist, who won't beat their hearts? 2、 Installation requirements for marble elevator door covers: 1. The type, size, performance, and grade of stone used for the wall should comply with Chinese standards. 2. The color, elevation, compartment, pattern, pattern and pattern of the marble wall should meet the requirements. 3. Stone holes, grooves, depths, positions, and dimensions should meet the design requirements, and cracks, edge gaps, and collapse angles are not allowed.
                    1. The beautiful and natural texture, as well as the mirror like color of the stone texture, will undoubtedly enhance the overall temperament of the space. Using natural stone as the door cover and curtains, the entire space seems to be connected by stones, giving people a visual beauty. 2. Waterproof and sunscreen are well-known, and windows are close to the outside world. They are often exposed to direct sunlight and are inevitably eroded by rainwater. If you use wooden curtains at home, it is easy to mold and mold for many years. Stone has good waterproof and sun protection functions, and after a few years, it can still emit its charming luster.
                    3.耐用性我們知道,當木材長(cháng)時(shí)間使用時(shí),會(huì )有油漆掉落和不均勻的凹坑,這極大地影響了美觀(guān)。但該石材結構緊湊,耐磨性好,可長(cháng)期使用,實(shí)用性強。4.性?xún)r(jià)比高我們使用木材制作窗簾和門(mén)罩的一個(gè)重要原因是木材比石頭便宜,但木材的耐久性遠遠不如石頭。幾年后,修理木蓋需要時(shí)間和精力。計算出的可能不低于石材的,因此石材是一種性?xún)r(jià)比非常高的材料。
                    3. Durability We know that when wood is used for a long time, there will be paint falling and uneven pits, which greatly affects its aesthetics. But the stone structure is compact, has good wear resistance, can be used for a long time, and has strong practicality. 4. High cost-effectiveness. One important reason why we use wood to make curtains and door covers is that wood is cheaper than stone, but its durability is far inferior to stone. A few years later, repairing the wooden cover requires time and effort. The calculated price may not be lower than the price of stone, so stone is a highly cost-effective material.
                    總而言之,大理石線(xiàn)條的優(yōu)點(diǎn)是:耐用,不易變形,防水,耐腐蝕,防蛀,防霉,和阻燃。面子價(jià)值和實(shí)用性并存,誰(shuí)不會(huì )心跳?二、大理石電梯門(mén)套的安裝要求1.墻體用石材的種類(lèi),尺寸,性能和等級應符合我國標準。2.大理石墻面顏色,標高,隔間,圖案,圖案和圖案應符合要求。3.石孔,溝槽,深度,位置和尺寸應符合設計要求,不允許有裂縫,邊緣間隙和倒塌角。
                    In summary, the advantages of marble lines are: durability, non deformability, waterproofing, corrosion resistance, mothproof, mold proof, antibacterial, and flame retardant. Face value and practicality coexist, who won't beat their hearts? 2、 Installation requirements for marble elevator door covers: 1. The type, size, performance, and grade of stone used for the wall should comply with Chinese standards. 2. The color, elevation, compartment, pattern, pattern and pattern of the marble wall should meet the requirements. 3. Stone holes, grooves, depths, positions, and dimensions should meet the design requirements, and cracks, edge gaps, and collapse angles are not allowed.
                    本文由菏澤拉絲不銹鋼電梯門(mén)套線(xiàn)友情奉獻.更多有關(guān)的知識請點(diǎn)擊:http://www.hitachllc.com真誠的態(tài)度.為您提供為的服務(wù).更多有關(guān)的知識我們將會(huì )陸續向大家奉獻.敬請期待.
                    This article is dedicated by Heze Brushed Stainless Steel Elevator Door Cover Line. For more information, please click on: http://www.hitachllc.com Sincere attitude. We will provide you with comprehensive services. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Stay tuned