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                    來(lái)源:http://www.hitachllc.com/ 瀏覽:0發(fā)表時(shí)間:2023-06-06
                    Pavilion design
                    In garden design, pavilions are the most basic form of landscape architecture, with diverse functions. They not only provide a place for tourists to rest and rest, but also promote the realization of the purpose of sightseeing and scenic spots. There are two main types of pavilions, namely modern and traditional forms. The design mode adopted by traditional pavilions is a multilateral shape, with many ancillary buildings at the top, such as single, double, or multi-layer eaves. In modern pavilion design, the materials used are mostly wood, stone, and concrete. The top attachments are mainly sloping or curved, which not only helps to meet its functional requirements, but also focuses on considering its appearance and cultural connotations. The pavilion can be used as an independent architectural form in landscape design, and its inherent performance has unique characteristics.
                    Regarding the location of the pavilion, the designer has chosen to locate it in a scenic area, which is convenient for tourists to enjoy the beautiful scenery while resting. The application history of pavilions in landscape design in China is very long. For example, a local pavilion is built near the water and is close to the water surface. This is a traditional four corner pavilion with three eaves on the roof, a red top column, and a sharp top.
                    A square platform is set between each pavilion pillar for tourists to rest. At the same time, the pavilion and the flowing water in the park can achieve a combination of movement and stillness, making it easier for tourists to better appreciate the water scenery through the pavilion. From the perspectives of both landscape and functional aspects, pavilions are crucial buildings in garden design, which can coordinate the design style of the entire garden and complement each other. By organically combining pavilions and gardens, we aim to significantly enhance the overall cultural and design effects of the garden while facilitating visitors' leisure.
                    Corridor design
                    廊的設計在園林景觀(guān)建筑中可將各個(gè)景點(diǎn)連接起來(lái),以此可更有層次的展示園林景觀(guān),且不同功能、不同造型的廊,會(huì )展示出不同的視覺(jué)效果,在園林游覽過(guò)程中可帶給人們以較強的空間感。如此一來(lái),可實(shí)現人們生活和自然的有機結合,增加園林本身所具有的靈性。同時(shí),廊的設計可更好地使用建筑材料,設可添加自然元素,在裝飾廊建筑時(shí)可充分利用藤蔓植物,以此可增加建筑外觀(guān)的可觀(guān)性,外表的蔥蔥郁郁也能夠成為吸引游客的點(diǎn),使其對自然景色進(jìn)行充分感受,且藤蔓植物的存在可為游客提供納涼的場(chǎng)所[5]。另外,廊建筑的存在有助于景觀(guān)觀(guān)賞度的顯著(zhù)提高,吸引游客在園林中長(cháng)時(shí)間的停留,以此能夠充分觀(guān)賞園林景觀(guān)。
                    The design of corridors in garden landscape architecture can connect various scenic spots, allowing for a more hierarchical display of the garden landscape. Corridors with different functions and shapes can exhibit different visual effects, giving people a strong sense of space during garden sightseeing. In this way, it can achieve an organic combination of people's lives and nature, increasing the spirituality inherent in the garden itself. At the same time, the design of the corridor can make better use of building materials, adding natural elements when designing, and fully utilizing vine plants when decorating the corridor building, which can increase the observability of the building's appearance. The lush and lush appearance can also become a point of attraction for tourists, allowing them to fully experience the natural scenery, and the presence of vine plants can provide a place for tourists to cool off. In addition, the existence of corridor buildings helps to significantly improve the landscape appreciation, attracting tourists to stay in the garden for a long time, in order to fully appreciate the garden landscape.
                    Bridge design
                    在園林景觀(guān)中多會(huì )有河流的存在,以此有助于空氣的濕潤與氣候的調節,若人們想靠近河流,呼吸新鮮的空氣,充分的感受大自然,就需要將一座橋梁架設在河流上,以此讓人們在欣賞美景的同時(shí)充分感受新鮮的空氣,且能夠對園林景觀(guān)的美景進(jìn)行有效的渲染。在一些規模較小的園林中,橋設計以河流水面景觀(guān)為主,旨在促進(jìn)園林景觀(guān)占地面積的有效擴充、促進(jìn)景觀(guān)層次性的顯著(zhù)增加。有橋水體的存在有助于水面空間層次感的增加,能夠將水面的幽深、悠遠充分體現出現[6]。因此在設計規模較小的園林橋時(shí),主要采用的是拱橋,其具有精巧、質(zhì)樸性,能夠與河流水面主動(dòng)接近,確保游客在欣賞景觀(guān)時(shí)能夠和諧的與大自然共處。而大型園林橋式園林景觀(guān)的標志性建筑,需要呼應周?chē)匀痪坝^(guān),將人為景觀(guān)藝術(shù)充分發(fā)揮出來(lái),多將橋設置在懸崖上方,然后采用騰空架起的方式,從而能夠將陡峭的山峰與廣闊的河流充分襯托出來(lái)。
                    In garden landscapes, there are often rivers, which help to keep the air moist and regulate the climate. If people want to get close to the river, breathe fresh air, and fully experience nature, they need to build a bridge on the river, so that people can fully experience the fresh air while enjoying the beauty, and can effectively render the beauty of the garden landscape. In some small-scale gardens, the bridge design mainly focuses on the river surface landscape, aiming to promote the effective expansion of the garden landscape footprint and a significant increase in landscape hierarchy. The presence of water bodies with bridges helps to increase the sense of spatial hierarchy on the water surface, fully reflecting the depth and distance of the water surface. Therefore, when designing small-scale garden bridges, arch bridges are mainly used, which are exquisite and rustic, and can actively approach the water surface of rivers, ensuring that tourists can coexist harmoniously with nature while enjoying the landscape. The landmark buildings of large-scale garden bridge style garden landscape need to echo the surrounding natural landscape, give full play to the artificial landscape art, set the bridge above the cliff, and then use the way of aerial erection, so as to fully set off the steep peaks and broad rivers.
                    Landscape architecture in landscape design can fully reflect the artistic value of gardens to a certain extent, and has practical functions. Through scientific and reasonable design, designers can enrich the beauty of gardens, making them no longer limited to natural beauty, but also achieve effective integration with cultural landscapes. Building gardens can provide tourists with a good place to relax and play, effectively enriching their leisure life. Therefore, when designing, it is necessary to fully consider the basic needs of tourists and design from multiple perspectives.
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