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                    當前位置:首頁(yè) »資訊中心 » 行業(yè)動(dòng)態(tài)選購不銹鋼玻璃門(mén)需要注意什么?


                    來(lái)源:http://www.hitachllc.com/ 瀏覽:0發(fā)表時(shí)間:2022-07-27
                    Pay special attention to the following points when purchasing stainless steel doors:
                    1. Select stainless steel doors produced by manufacturers with quality assurance.
                    2. Pay attention to choose the lock with the same opening direction as your door.
                    3. Pay attention to the width of your door frame. The ball lock and handle lock should not be less than 90cm on the door.
                    4. Special attention should be paid when installing stainless steel doors: only the end with insurance can be removed before installation. Never remove the end with key for installation, so as to read the instructions carefully.
                    5. Do not drop engine oil into the lock core. If the key cannot be opened flexibly, put some pencil shavings into the key eye.
                    6. If you inadvertently turn the indoor fuse 90 degrees in time, it becomes a fuse, which can only be opened with a key. Just rotate the fuse 90 degrees counterclockwise to recover.
                    7. Do not wipe the lock body and handle with a wet cloth to avoid rust.
                    8、關(guān)門(mén)時(shí)好握著(zhù)執手,把鎖舌旋進(jìn)鎖體,關(guān)好門(mén)后再松手,不要用力撞門(mén),否則會(huì )減少鎖的使用壽命。
                    8. When closing the door, hold the handle well, screw the lock tongue into the lock body, and then release your hand after closing the door. Don't hit the door with force, otherwise the service life of the lock will be reduced.
                    But also from the following aspects to consider.
                    1. Wear resistance.
                    The material of stainless steel door is related to wear resistance. When purchasing, ask the dealer what kind of material it is made of, such as the difference between cast iron and steel mentioned above, and pay attention to it.
                    2. Feel.
                    不銹鋼門(mén)的手感是由彈簧決定的,彈簧的好壞決定使用時(shí)的手感和使用壽命。有的鎖彈簧不好,因而很容易造成把手下垂,由此結束了不銹鋼門(mén)的壽命。選購時(shí)要親自試一試不銹鋼門(mén)彈簧的韌度,好的彈簧帶來(lái)的手感是十分柔和的,不會(huì )太軟也不會(huì )太硬。
                    The handle of the stainless steel door is determined by the spring, and the quality of the spring determines the handle and service life. Some lock springs are not good, so it is easy to cause the handle to sag, thus ending the service life of stainless steel doors. Try the toughness of the stainless steel door spring in person when shopping. A good spring brings a very soft feel, which is neither too soft nor too hard.
                    3. Plating.
                    在選購過(guò)程中還要看不銹鋼門(mén)的鍍層,也就是考慮不銹鋼門(mén)的把手是否會(huì )掉色。一般來(lái)說(shuō),好的不銹鋼門(mén)的保護層,也就是鍍層不會(huì )被輕易氧化和磨損。不銹鋼門(mén)把手的鍍層關(guān)系到居室整體的美觀(guān),因而這一點(diǎn)也不容忽視。
                    In the process of purchase, we also need to look at the coating of the stainless steel door, that is, whether the handle of the stainless steel door will fade. Generally speaking, the protective layer of a good stainless steel door, that is, the coating will not be easily oxidized and worn. The coating of stainless steel door handle is related to the overall beauty of the room, so this can not be ignored.
                    一般來(lái)說(shuō),現代化的不銹鋼門(mén),它的保險系數與開(kāi)關(guān)操作程序的復雜性沒(méi)有多大關(guān)系。操作簡(jiǎn)單的鎖不一定不保險,而開(kāi)起來(lái)十分復雜的鎖也不一定牢靠看鎖不僅要看手感,還要注意它有沒(méi)有質(zhì)量保證書(shū),一般應保修五年當您根據家中的情況選好了瑣之后,還要注意該款瑣的裝法兒是否和一般的相同,如果不同,商家一般會(huì )在您購買(mǎi)時(shí)特別說(shuō)明,比如某款鎖不是從前往后裝,而是從后往前裝的。若您在家里裝時(shí),因程序出錯而導致鎖的損壞,這不屬于鎖的質(zhì)量問(wèn)題,不在保修范圍之內,也就是說(shuō),商家是不會(huì )包退換的。
                    Generally speaking, the safety factor of modern stainless steel doors has little to do with the complexity of switching procedures. A lock with simple operation is not necessarily unsafe, and a lock that is very complex to open is not necessarily reliable. Looking at the lock depends not only on the feel of the lock, but also on whether it has a quality assurance certificate. Generally, it should be guaranteed for five years. When you choose the trivia according to the situation at home, you should also pay attention to whether the installation method of this trivia is the same as that of the general one. If it is different, the merchant will generally explain it when you buy it, for example, a lock is not installed from the front to the back, But from the back to the front. If the lock is damaged due to program errors when you install it at home, it is not a quality problem of the lock and is not within the scope of warranty, that is to say, the merchant will not return it.
                    除此之外,選購瑣還不能忽視健康因素。比如衛生間就適合裝銅瑣。因為不銹鋼的門(mén)瑣看起來(lái)雖然干凈,但實(shí)際上卻會(huì )滋生成千上萬(wàn)的病菌,包括格蘭氏細菌、大腸桿菌和鏈球菌等。黃銅門(mén)瑣上的細菌比不銹鋼門(mén)瑣上的要少得多,因為銅有消滅細菌的作用。因此建議您在家中的衛生間好裝黃銅門(mén)瑣,有益健康。
                    In addition, health factors cannot be ignored in shopping trivia. For example, the bathroom is suitable for installing copper trinkets. Although the stainless steel door looks clean, it will actually breed thousands of bacteria, including gram-negative bacteria, Escherichia coli and Streptococcus. The bacteria on the brass door are much less than those on the stainless steel door, because copper has the effect of killing bacteria. Therefore, it is recommended that you install brass doors in the bathroom at home, which is beneficial to your health.
                    The above is a detailed introduction about stainless steel glass doors. I hope it can help you. If you have any questions, please contact us. We will provide services for you with a professional attitude http://www.hitachllc.com